
Uploading a GeoJSON Layer File

The homepage contains a Layer Control button for viewing different map layers on top of the default google maps. You can either select from the layer options in the drop down or you can upload a single or multiple GeoJSON files from your local computer. Read about GeoJSON files here.

To add a GeoJSON file from your computer, click on the Layer Control button and select Add GeoJSON as shown below. For multiple layers, continue adding Geojson files from your computer. To remove the Geojson layer, click Remove Geojson as shown below. The Remove Geojson button will remove all added layers at once.


A new window will pop up as shown below. Either drag and drop a file onto the map directly or click Browse to find your local file.


Once you have either dragged a file onto the map or selected a file to upload, the GeoJSON file should appear on the map. Below is an example of a GeoJSON layer showing the boundary of the Edwards aquifer in Texas. To view the associated metadata for a layer, click on the layer marker or boundary as shown below.


It is important to note that when working with GeoJSON files that have complex geometries, the browser may slow down or crash and be unable to load the layer onto HydroClient.

For examples of GeoJSON files, go to

To convert a shapefile to a GeoJSON file type, go to:

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