
What is Metadata?

Metadata is information that describes data. Consider taking a photo with your mobile device. When taken, your phone not only will capture the image, but also where the image was taken and when. This is what enables the apps on your phone to map your images or sort them by the date that they were taken. In the context of the CUAHSI HIS, metadata is critical for the discovery, interpretation, and use of data. In the CUAHSI HIS, each data value (i.e. the observation or measurement) has five required metadata components:

  • Where the observation or measurement was made
  • When the observation or measurement was made
  • Who made the observation or measurement
  • How the observation or measurement was made
  • The level of quality control that the observation or measurement was subject to 


For more on interpreting the metadata in downloaded data files, see these Help Center articles:

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