
HydroServer and the WaterOneFlow Web Services API

The CUAHSI HIS uses a family of web services, called WaterOneFlow (WOF), that have been developed as a standard mechanism for the transfer of hydrologic data between hydrologic data servers (databases) and users' computers. Web services streamline the often time consuming tasks of extracting data from a data source, transforming it into a usable format, and loading it in to an analysis environment. The WaterOneFlow Web Services format the data as the type of XML, WaterML 1.1.

WOF Service Functions  

GetSiteInfo: Given a site number, this method returns the site’s metadata as a string.
GetSiteInfoObject: Given a site number, this method returns the site’s metadata an an object.
GetSitesXml: Given an array of site numbers, this method returns the site metadata, as a string, for each one.
GetSites: Given an array of site numbers, this method returns the site metadata, as an object, for each one.
GetVariableInfo: Given a variable code, this method returns the variable’s name as a string.
GetVariableInfoObject: Given a variable code, this method returns the variable’s siteName as an object.
GetValues: Given a site number, a variable, a start date, and an end date, this method returns a time series as a string.
GetValuesObject: Given a site number, a variable, a start date, and an end date, this method returns a time series as an object.

For an example of a WaterOneFlow endpoint, see one of the many registered with the HIS Central Catalog such as this web service that CUAHSI hosts for the Ipswich River Watershed Assocation.

Visit this page to download the WOF software stack and other accompanying HydroServer software. 

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