If you are interested in publishing a streaming data set, CUAHSI suggests using ODM2 Admin or ODM Tools.
ODM2 Admin
ODM2 Admin is a data management application based on ODM2(National Science Foundation Grant EAR-1224638) with support from the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory and CUAHSI. For detailed information go to: https://github.com/miguelcleon/ODM2-Admin.
ODM2-Admin allows you to:
- Manage many types of data with complex metadata requirements
- Easy system for lab personal or field techs to upload data
- Download data in near-real time from remote sensors.
- Manage data from many different soil or regolith survey campaigns with different study designs.
- Easily update metadata via a web based interface or python scripting
- Observation Data Model 2 (ODM2) is designed to represent a broad range of Earth observations
Contact Miguel Leon at leonmi@sas.upenn.edu for more information.
ODM Streaming Data Loader
The ODM Streaming Data Loader, has been developed to facilitate data transfer from a datalogger to an ODM database on a SQL Server. The data and metadata fields gathered are mapped to fields in ODM using this application. Additionally, the Streaming Data Loader enables you to schedule when your ODM database is updated. At the present time, CUAHSI is not supporting streaming data with our hosting services. For this option, data publishers must maintain their own server. If interested in this option, please visit HydroServer's Codeplex page to download the ODM Streaming Data Loader.